Escort Vehicle and Pilot Car
Over the years ALS has gained an enormous amount of experience in all specialist services that are required to move large and heavy loads.
Route Planning, Surveys, Private and Police Escorts, and the use of Pilot Cars and statutory movement orders are all areas within ALS’s expertise. These services are overseen by an ALS colleague who is slinger banksman qualified.
ALS' pilot and escort vehicle was affectionately named "The Beast" in an in house competition by ALS colleagues. The name was aptly chosen due to its size.
Abnormal Load Services will advise on all aspects of the necessary legal and statutory notification process for transporting abnormal loads including liaising with local police forces, authorities, county councils, and other parties.
Interested in finding out more about "The Beast's" activities?:
Modular plant rooms escorted by ALS' "The Beast" destined for Germany

Tunnel Boring Machine is moved from Ilford

Pilot escort for fabrication units

The Beast escorts 6 x 5 metre high modules